Tuesday, July 17, 2018

In the middle

There is this pop song going around for months now that wouldn't leave my memory bank.  I've been humming it for some time, and here, I'm dedicating a blog entry about it now.  That song is "The Middle" by the Prince of electro-pop Zed (that's a made-up title from me, thank me later Zed.)

So what's in the middle? haha

I'm so bored  that I have decided to dissect a song. For all I know, people behind this song were all just thinking "hey let's make a song with a beat like this, go pitch in the most catchy words you have" , and they succeeded, as here I am, catching it all. :(

Very, very relevant to the way that people love nowadays. There is always this talk about finding the "middle" ground. Like there is an illusory straight line between two people where all points of differences will be settled, and being in a "draw" means winning in the relationship department.

The song itself does not even expound how you meet someone in the middle although the lady singer was screaming about it, and the drums and cymbals banging in the background just makes you feel like you should be angry too because the singer's boyfriend just won't meet her in the effin' middle!!!!

Referencing from so many experiences, not just romantic ones , I think there is not clear-cut standard of how two people in a relationship are supposed to find a middle ground.

Some people who lives in a world with access to better vocabularies would use "compromise" when they meant finding a middle ground. I remember how fancy that word used to sound when I first heard it. It sounded so promising haha. Like hey, you're having a hard time understanding each other? COMPROMISE.

Taking it from a much older song. , "Just once", some of our best efforts won't always be enough. There is such a thing us unequal distribution of advantages . Two people can always try to compromise, but just like a heartbreak is never even, one person would have to do more compromising than the other.  :( But of course we will keep trying.

I'm not very good in giving relationship advices, but don't stop trying to find the middle, and remember to give someone enough time when they're having a hard time getting there. Encourage them and appreciate how much they are trying.

I've got so much to learn from this department. Whatever point I am missing, I pray to stumble upon it sooner than later.

meantime, I'll keep humming this song in my recluse. bye.

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