Saturday, February 27, 2016


Hi. I hope the introduction sounds fine my dear. I came here to tell you that life is hard and people are mean ...

but there is poetry
and autumn
and upbeat songs
and people who loves you so much you just have to take notice
and my , falling leaves that may make your lonesome walks so cinematic
and love--  requited , reciprocated, once-requited, whatever form it may take
you can make a ballad out of it

and rainbows
and half-moons
and full-moons
and staaaaaaaaaaaars

and you have me :)

I love stories. Tell me yours, anytime :)

with love,

Jojie May

Survivor Trauma

When a terrible crisis happens, a fire, or a shooting , a deadly pandemic .... everything is a crazy blur as you try to get to the other end...