Saturday, January 7, 2017

Going on '17

Welcoming 2017 felt a lot like welcoming a long-distance-friend that promised to be there for you to make things right at the end of the 2016. It feels uncanny how 2016 was like a horrible experience everybody in the world shared and just wanted to bury somewhere they  never want to visit again.

I would be idealistic if I told you that 2017 is the year I will change my life. But hey, yes I am idealistic and that's why I have a vibe that never dies even when things go wrong. This is why I am taking all of my idealistic principles and ways with me on 2017, but now my feet is touching Earth. So many experiences in 2016 brought me into a point where I had to compromise with how the world really works and how I can never control the reactions of people no matter how hard I try.

2016 was the year of acceptance and letting go. I have finally let go of my false idea of myself and about friendship and love. I felt really unburdened because those misconceptions have been with me for the longest time and it felt freeing to finally say goodbye to them and be less upset about things happening beyond my control.

I know I may still stumble a lot on 2017 and the years to come but I also know that it will be very hard to make the same mistakes. 

I am pretty good at learning from my mistakes.

2017. We've been together for 7 days now and you feel promising. Whatever you have in store for me, all the good and the bad, I will meet them with a brave spirit.


This was how we did the first day of 2017. It was too epic I don't think this blog entry will use up the right words to describe just how full of life and laughter my January 1,2017 was. How could I have missed out on so many opportune moments with these guys.

We went on the beach at Sheena's place because they found out about planktons (like those in Maldives) the night before, and Marj here wanted to do her usual photoshoot

So we waited until about 5pm before we hit the beach. We marched straight ahead into the deep trying to find the sandy part. There was only one "salbabida" and everybody flocked on it , we were all joking about being castaways but actually enjoying it. My brother was of course, the life of every party, and with Eding and Am2x, the three just didn't stop fooling around with the waves and making banters about random things. Eding kept mocking the waves for not being big enough.

"Ikaw ra? tawga imong mga kauban? asa imong papa?!!!!

She punched at the waves like they were people she hated, and god did we laugh at her repeated bitter banters on "Kung di gyud, di gyuuuuud!!!!!!!!!!!!"

and guys, this was also the first time I actually joined a drinking activity. I didn't like it - of  course. haha! the taste, I mean . and I am also not gonna do it anytime soon because man, my liver is precious to me. But having done it with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, it actually felt breathtaking to be drinking for the first time.

I am looking forward to more memories with these people.

Survivor Trauma

When a terrible crisis happens, a fire, or a shooting , a deadly pandemic .... everything is a crazy blur as you try to get to the other end...