Friday, June 30, 2017

When You Love Someone

 Aiming to be the one who stays, in a world making so many ballads for people who leave :)

This is a diary entry I wrote down few months before I parted ways with my first love.
I had to put this down to remind myself that I was brave enough to have loved and lost.

I learned the heartbreaking way, that when you love someone, you have to take them as temporary gifts. Something that God gives you to help nourish. He wants you to take that gift, in a gentle way, not own it, but to just help Him see to it that the gift is taken care of and loved, so it grows into something beautiful.

When the time comes He decides to take it way, you have to wholeheartedly kiss it goodbye and be sure, so sure, that it will be polished even more into something beautiful, by someone else's hands.

In some very rare occasions, God may choose your hands as the ultimate keeper of the gift. Until then, take care of everything He gives You.


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